My class ended up eating McDonalds, though. And it was hard work to get them to come send burgers over to our school! I had to rely on Mei Mei... and she severely complained that the McDonalds staff had stared at her HARD for buying 20 burgers at one shot. :P Talking about Mei Mei... she has left MBS... and we're all sad to see yet another classmate run away from boring school life. When Mei Mei left MBS on Friday, we all walked down together with her and we sang Auld Land Syne all the way!! What a teary farewell!! :( We'll miss you, Mei Mei, Wen Lee...
(But actually I'm even sadder that I can't play Balthier and his mundane companions. WHEN can I go over to Manda's to soothe this raging heart???!!)
AHEM.Okay, notice that this picture shows hungry ghosts during the 7th month. :P BWAHAHAHAHA everyone queuing up to eat in the air-cond room which was SUPPOSED to be my class.
And I finally met the first batch of REAL gays!! Two very strange teachers (who happen to be more ladylike than me) managed to steal my very gay heart~! I caught one of them when he came up to stage to sing... and the other one I found when I was minding my own business in the staff room. He walked with the grace of a woman far more WOMAN than me, and he had hands strategically placed (like Ama said: "He must put his hands there to grab guys' hips") and poised as that of a woman. OMGGGGGGG!! I was definitely letting off steam when I first laid eyes on him...
But then he is too old.A random picture of BLACK Ama and I, the fair, beautiful gay. We were in Chemistry tuition playing with 'balls'. Don't think dirty.
MGS-ians, as usual, thanks to Ass's wonderful guidance of just directly walking STRAIGHT into the Principal's office to complain about things that displeases us... I WALKED INTO THE MBS's PRINCIPAL'S OFFICE TOO. Bah, no biggie. :) He sure looked a load busier than Pn Wong. There's not an inch of his table spared from his paperwork. WOW.
Anyway, I walked in to complain about why we lost our air-cond room. YES, we LOST the air-cond room! For the briefest moment, I actually considered changing school because of the loss of the air-cond. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHHA. But then again, my mum was thinking of the same too :P
Okay, we lost the air-cond room and not ONLY that, we are now occupying a small ROOM INSIDE the LIBRARY. Yes, INSIDE. And the corniest thing is that we can't walk through the library to get to our class. Instead, we have to walk THROUGH Upper 6 Sc 3 where all the seniors will stare at us... and then we'll reach our class. BAH. Dreadful.
Mr Khor said our new classroom will be built NOW and will probably be ready in two months. Their building speed must be awesome. I mean, 2 months...?? Gosh... that sounds... dangerous...
Ama and I realised however, that our current classroom ain't that bad! On Friday, while others were busy celebrating Teachers' Day with steamboat and bbq, Ama and I tampered with the TV in our classroom. Okay, our class is somewhat like an audio-visual room that has projectors and stuff. We fiddled with the TV and the DVD player like engineers and we got the TV running!! Sadly we didn't have an aerial nor DVDs to play. Bah. I should have been more prepared. :P
( I got caught by a teacher for using a handphone outside of the STAFF ROOM. I know there can't be a place more obvious to show off that you're carrying a handphone (Actually the handphone belongs to Ming Yen) but HAIYA what's done is done!! :P I blamed our form teacher for my usage of the handphone. I told the other teacher that it was hers...)
And the best part was that our Maths T teacher was in the room talking to an Upper 6 guy. Later he realised what the both of us were doing but he couldn't stop us anyway.
By the way, my Maths T teacher speaks Japanese!! He was teaching and teaching and suddenly Japanese just stumbled out from his mouth: "Monde arimasen ka?" (Any questions?) Whee~!
Did I mention that I'm joining wushu? Well, everyone, I'm joining wushu. And today we did Tai Chi.Yes. THIS Tai Chi. Our instructor somehow looks a little like him - only that my instructor's got a lot of white hair.
Right. I forgot to blog about my FIRST TIME experience squandering a HEFTY RM16 for some weird older generation show. A show that only pleases Ama's eyes: Indiana Jones. In fact, she stood up at the end when the two old 'ham sap lo' decided to get married. She stood up and clapped. *sigh* Notorious as ever.
Anyway here are pictures of my experiencing my first PREMIERE CLASS seat tickets in GURNEY!! Some stolen from Pookie-Pooka's blog because my crazy handphone never seems to have enough memory to store anything. (Plus my dad had scolded me for wonderously scratching every inch of the screen when my phone is brand new!! :P)WOW!! PREMIERE CLASS!! RM16!! *swoons* I now understand why my pocket is undeniable dry this month. And once agin, turn your heads to see Hime-chan and Pookie darling!!
And lunch at Breeks was just crazy because Hime-sama waited for her Coke for half an hour and I waited for my salmon for about 45 minutes! And as Pookie (Vinny) had said, there was a wonderful display of men's gymnastics on Astro and we all ended up debating on the causes and effects of 'air cirulation' to the 'ahem'. BWAHAHAHAHAUs, counting money! :D Turn your heads darlings, I got too lazy to rotate this picture. ;P
And due to a brain drain, we ended up spending like 20 minutes distributing each others' money at Starbucks. All thanks to Breeks and my refusal to pay using a credit card. BWAHAHAHAHAHA. In which we needed a book, a pen, a calculator... and Vinny and I laughing while snapping photos..
Will blog more once my email can be opened and when Vinny Saccharine sends me photos :)
(You might ask why Saccharine? Well, get ready for a Science fact!! Saccharine is 450 times sweeter than normal sugar!! So instead of calling your loved ones the plain old boring 'honey', 'sugar'... be SWEETER still and call them 'saccharine'!! Try it today!! And instead of the old 'I Love You', try 'I Philic You'!! All SCIENTIFICALLY TRUE!!)
... I sound like a TV advertisement. BWAHAHAHAHAHA
However, I'm saving 'Sucralose' (600 times sweeter than sugar) for my darling Balthier. BWAHAHAHAHA
If anyone finds something sweeter than all of this, tell me!! I'm gonna upgrade my Balthier.
I wish to meet anyone who's suffering from depression because I would love to meet someone who has a heartbreak far worse than mine.
(Ps: Warning to all men-wannabes!! Cyclamate causes the shrinking of testicles!!) :O
4:19 PM
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dun u dare change school for some bloody air-con room ok?!
haha...i like the sir too who sang tht song on stage where sum guy gave him a flower. lol.
do y'all hav to walk thru U6arts3??? i tot their class was behind yours. jz bear it for 2 months la..
me likey wushu!!! luckiy i didnt go for RC. our master is so kind n energetic although he's 60++? cmon...jz go for 1 buffet...n u get the participation marks + cert?? can u find any society with stuff like this???
aww...i knoe u likey me! u jz took my pictures with ur hp...my saccharine gay..
love tht moment in breeks. almost fainted due to the gymnastics, ur salmon, u burning ama's parking ticket n hmei's coke.
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