I've been dying to tell the world...
Yay! I can finally fetch Ama out using HER car! :)
The tester this time was really a cool dude, and by some sheer... 'LUCK', I actually got number ONE today. NUMBER ONE out of the 140 or so people who were waiting in queue. NUMBER ONE. And us 'fail-ees' (Eugene and Sarah) got number 2 and 3 respectively. What luck! I loved the tester today! He listened to me while I rambled on about how I kept failing. Poor man. Poor ears! :P
And the letter from UTAR finally came! But I'm now thinking twice about going there... the cost of living is quite high! And I'm wondering JUST WHERE the money's gonna pop put to feed me RM1000 a month O_O. Maybe I'll go to Form 6...?
The only reason that I wanna go to Form 6 is because I get to watch Naruto Shippuden, Inuyasha and Hunter X Hunter at home. :P THE STREAMYX WILL GO TO WASTE IF I'M NOT AROUND!!! And of course, Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni... Kyou Kara Maou season 2 (WHICH IS SHOWING ON ANIMAX SOON) (On another note.... THE ASTRO WILL GO TO WASTE IF I'M NOT AROUND!!) Vampire Knight.... They Are My Noble Masters....
And of course, not forgetting that my mum will most probably get me a car if I plan to stay around... and a keyboard too. (???)
Staying in FORM 6 also means I get to...
... PRESERVE MY SPIRIT OF YOUTH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
.... dunno where i got THAT from. (Probably from Gai-sensei..? Konoha's Great Beast!)For people who DON'T have a clue on what I'm talking about... er... er... this is Maito Gai... also known as Gai-sensei. Hip, I know. :P
Yosh! I shall go for steamboat tomorrow! Tell me about Hong Kong Manda darling~! I've never been there in my life, and I certainly hope there's no rice shortage whatsoever... there.
And to Pat, show me your darling one day! May I still be your Number One darling :P But then again, that would be selfish.
I'm jealous!
Ps - Nobody's gonna comment on my new theme?? :( Doesn't it look nice?? One of the best so far I think... :(
10:39 PM
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yes...go form 6...together wif me, ama, n sis in law. no need $. absolutely FREE.
yay...u finally pass ur test! congrats~!
Ramblings of a Lunatic
nice theme...really potrays U.
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