I've been dying to tell the world...
Yay! I can finally fetch Ama out using HER car! :)
The tester this time was really a cool dude, and by some sheer... 'LUCK', I actually got number ONE today. NUMBER ONE out of the 140 or so people who were waiting in queue. NUMBER ONE. And us 'fail-ees' (Eugene and Sarah) got number 2 and 3 respectively. What luck! I loved the tester today! He listened to me while I rambled on about how I kept failing. Poor man. Poor ears! :P
And the letter from UTAR finally came! But I'm now thinking twice about going there... the cost of living is quite high! And I'm wondering JUST WHERE the money's gonna pop put to feed me RM1000 a month O_O. Maybe I'll go to Form 6...?
The only reason that I wanna go to Form 6 is because I get to watch Naruto Shippuden, Inuyasha and Hunter X Hunter at home. :P THE STREAMYX WILL GO TO WASTE IF I'M NOT AROUND!!! And of course, Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni... Kyou Kara Maou season 2 (WHICH IS SHOWING ON ANIMAX SOON) (On another note.... THE ASTRO WILL GO TO WASTE IF I'M NOT AROUND!!) Vampire Knight.... They Are My Noble Masters....
And of course, not forgetting that my mum will most probably get me a car if I plan to stay around... and a keyboard too. (???)
Staying in FORM 6 also means I get to...
... PRESERVE MY SPIRIT OF YOUTH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
.... dunno where i got THAT from. (Probably from Gai-sensei..? Konoha's Great Beast!)For people who DON'T have a clue on what I'm talking about... er... er... this is Maito Gai... also known as Gai-sensei. Hip, I know. :P
Yosh! I shall go for steamboat tomorrow! Tell me about Hong Kong Manda darling~! I've never been there in my life, and I certainly hope there's no rice shortage whatsoever... there.
And to Pat, show me your darling one day! May I still be your Number One darling :P But then again, that would be selfish.
I'm jealous!
Ps - Nobody's gonna comment on my new theme?? :( Doesn't it look nice?? One of the best so far I think... :(
I'll be doing my driving test again tomorrow, and I better do it well :P I DON'T WANNA WASTE ANOTHER RM30!!!! Plus, it would be embarrassing for a genius like me to fail a second time.
Congrats Pat, on your new found love, and I guess this calls for me to look harder for my Japanese gay boyfriend. :P
And I wonder what I'll do if I don't get to go to KL?? I don't wanna go to Form 6!! THE INTAKE IS IN MAY AND NOW ITS THE END OF APRIL BUT MY LETTER IS YET TO ARRIVE.
*mutter mutter mutter*
I've been dying to tell the world....
Is that normal? :P No surprise actually, since all the SIX people from my driving school who went with me ALL failed their driving. *sigh* STUPID on the road thingy. My engine only died twice! And he failed me! *sigh* And surprise surprise!! I actually passed 'bukit'.
Oh well, anyway, last Saturday, I had lotsa fun sleeping with Pat, Ama, Rene, Vin and hime-sama at G Hotel. Although Ama and I wasted RM10 sleeping throughout Nilm's Island which was showing at 11 pm.
Erm... it was fun walking at the Gurney seafront at some... 1 or 2 am in the morning while eating lok lok! And it was evern more fun that we slept at 5 am and woke up at 7am thanks to Rene's beautiful phone which shocked us with its EXTREMELY loud speaker. TWICE.
And of course I watched L Change the World! Kenichi Matsuyama is TOO beautiful for me~! How can one be so cute and cuddly and brilliant all at the same time??!! Ama and I had plans to actually SALUTE L after the show, but due to our old age *cough cough* :) our bladders felt the urge to release and we had another historical time running out of the cinema before the lights... er... un-dimmed.
Yet another normal day in the cinema with friends.
I was already EXTREMELY 'kwai' and quiet throughout the whole show! That's because nobody tried to 'shhhh!!' me. :P
Anyway, when I'm TOO quiet, something's wrong. WRONG like... during Nilm's Island. A waste of some RM10. *sigh*
Ooh! Rene and I also tried out the capsule thingy in Toys R' Us... (thanks to my recent Naruto craze...) and we spent a good RM8 each on a capsule each. Rene tried and she got KAKASHI. As in MY KAKASHI. My HATAKE KAKASHI. I was squealing like a mad fan girl over Pukkan and Kakashi, my Kakashi, Hatake Kakashi... begging her to just gimme that Kakashi!! And then I tried out MY luck, hoping that I won't get dumb Sasuke or Naruto... and then I got...
Would you believe our luck?? Our two favourite Naruto characters of all time!! KAKASHI the pervert!! And Gaara of the Sand!! Rene and I are destined to be together~!
*sudden transformation*
But then again, I'm gay.
*sudden transformation*
AHEM. So since Rene was obsessing about Gaara (and eventhough I AM quite obsessed with Gaara, nothing can beat my devotion for Kakashi!! As of now... ) and I'm head over heels bout Kakashi, we exchanged~! YAY!! Rene and I are fated for each other~!
Did I tell you I failed my driving?? *sigh* How is that even possible??
*sigh* Here goes money wastage again... and I'd better pass the next time :( *sob*
I'm so obsessed I changed the whole theme within half an hour.
I'm Naruto obsessed!!!
KAKASHI!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh, he's the HOTTEST perverted man I've ever known to date!!
(Next theme up shall be Kakashi and not Gippal. )
*sudden transformation*
My gay heart longs for perverts.
*sudden transformation*
OMG I FINSHED FINAL FANTASY X-2!!! And I find myself falling for this AWESOME, hunky-funky guy named Gippal. (He might be my next theme) BWAHAHAHAHA
DO note that when Mr. Gippal of the Al Bheds smiles, every feminine and gay heart will melt. He ain't just this one-eyed pirate, missys. :P
BAH! Nothing really spectacular about me ending FFX-2 considering my lousy stats at the end of the game. Yuna, level 64, Rikku, level 66, Paine level 68.
What's worse is that I got the LAMEST ending one can ever get... one SO lame that nobody has heard of it. Plus, some pals are just plain surprised that such an ending actually exists. Yunie, Rikku and Paine just flew off while Yuna says something like... "We're going home!" And it ends. (No laughing, Manda!)
WHY didn't I see Yunie being paired up with Tidus?? Why?? Why?? how come I didn't know about some dumb whistling thing at the Djose Temple?? Why? Why?? ARGHHHHHH
Okay, so I was lazy to Chocobo thingys because it brings back horrid memories of breeding Chocobos in FF7!! Gysahl Greens, Pahsana, Mimmett... sounds familiar, anyone?? And I actually hae to breed those dumb Chocobos to get a 100%?? NOOOOOOOOOOO....!!
And I missed out on a whole bunch of Crimson Spheres and I ended up not being able to unlock the Den of Woe. NOOOOOOOOOOOO....!!
But Vegnagun and Shuyin were SURPRISINGLY too easy to defeat!! In fact, just use Black Sky (Arcana) some 3-4 times and they all fall down like dominos!! TOOOOOO easy for a guy who shares my name!!
The worst part about FFX-2 is that while travelling at The Heart of the Farplane, you get to meet random enemies such as OMEGA WEAPON. Just which Final Fantasy game will make OMEGA WEAPON a RANDOM fiend?? And I actually find myself struggling to defeat a RANDOM FIEND than the final boss itself. ARGHHHHHHH
Oh well... time to make amendments through New Game Plus in FFX-2!! Just have to replay the game til i get a 100% ending. BWAHAHAHAHAHA
Random Phrases:
"Tell Noojie-Woojie that I'm waiting here like a good girl! And remember to stress on the good girl."
"Rest, Shuyin."
" I will take all of Spira with me!!"
AHA! No prizes for those who can guess correctly who said these! :P
Next game up: Xenosaga III !!
(I'm seriously turning into a gaming freakozoid.)
(And in case you want to know, I only completed the game 78%. I was too scared to go to Bikanel, and too frightened to venture into Bevelle's EXTREMELY difficult Via Infinito!)
ANOTHER successful gaming venture!! I FINISHED KINGDOM HEARTS 1 IN 48 HOURS AND 10 DAYS!!! (or maybe 11 days, since I finished it at 1.40 am last night)... but, oh well, I FINSHED IT ALL THE SAME!! All the way from Destiny Islands up to the End of The World in the End! Yippee!
(Yes, I played a whole new game because I realised that I spent more than 5 hours trying to escape from Wonderland the first time I played it.)
And I must say.... Ansem, (the final boss) was... TOO easy to defeat. In fact, it was a let down, compared to the other optional bosses in the game. Can you imagine that I couldn't even make a dent on Sephiroth's HP bar?? And, I lost to that big white haired villain after some half an hour of TRYING to make a dent in his HP bar. It was such an excruciating loss!! GAHAHAHAHAHA *sobs*
I also lost to this darned optional boss in Neverland (Peter Pan's world) who is called the Phantom after I was only ONE COMBO AWAY FROM BRINGING IT DOWN!!! ONE COMBO AWAY FROM DEFEATING IT!!! It was a most saddest affair. (I know, Grammar error, eh? :P)
But on the bright side: I only gamed over 4 times in this game: 2 to some STUPID random monsters.... well 1 to Sephiroth and the other to that darned Phantom. Not bad yeah? Though it isn't really such a bright side...
(Let me amend this...)
But on the bright side: I OBTAINED Sora's ULTIMA WEAPON!!! The best keychain in the game!! And it took me HOURS to chase those dumb looking rare mushrooms for Arts items and Mystery Goos! YAY! Most splendid!
And I finished it with Sora at level 71!! EXACTLY the same as Sora's level in Kingdom Hearts 2!! SORAAAAAAAAAA~~
Random phrases:
" I know now.... that Kingdom Hearts is light!"
" Our hearts are connected"
" Though we may never meet again, but our hearts will never forget."
" I'll come for you! I promise!"
"Although our hearts may be weak... but there is a light inside that never goes away!"
And best of all: since I won the Hades Cup, sealed every keyhole and collected every single Dalmatian... I GOT TO SEE THE TRAILER TO KINGDOM HEARTS 2!!! Erm... yeah, I finished Kingdom Hearts 2, but still... WHAT AN ACHIEVEMENT!
Next up to finish will be Final Fantasy X-2! Actually, it is a wonder that I finished Kingdom Hearts 1 first before X-2 because I'm already at the dumb music playing part in X-2! I'm like 3 hours away from Shuyin and fighting Vegnagun ( the final bosses) or so. But whatever... what an achievement!!!
Ahem... well, enough of those game ending details... I went for my pre-test in driving today and the car was really just plain merciless to me. THE HORROR!! I actually 'si hui' 8 times on the slope... is that normal? Or am I just mentally slow? And there went the instructor's words of wisdom again... " Lu eh ka chiu to be ka kuai!!" ( I wonder if he subconsciously realised that he told me those same words plenty of times already??) Oh man.... I'm horrid in driving *sobs uncontrollably*
NAH! It's the car's fault. No way a genius like me is in the wrong! :D (Note: I only said that to make me feel a whole lot better.)
Anyway, I met Eugene! Erm... a BM tuition friend all the way from Form 1 (was it?) to Form 3 and then in Form 5 again! I shan't compare my driving with HIS... he was very calm and collected with no 'si hui' matters like me....
NAH! It's the car's fault!