Whooo~! My blog is DEAD!
I should be worrying about Math P2 tmr, but somehow, I'm now doing what I'm best in doing. Wasting time. Ahahaha.
No worries, will be back here in... exactly ten more days. Ahahaha. Got loads to update on my nutty life. Ciao, for now!
-GOT (in a mad hurry)
Firstly.... I'm soooooo touched, Vin darling!! Can't believe I just read this! I love my many beautiful poses!! OMG!! I'm truly such a GOT!! Only a GOT can wear so many expressions and still look so freakishly charmingly cute~!!!
As you can all probably see, I, the great GOT, am back to my usual flamboyant self. All thanks to my comp, in which I'm throwing a GRAND HOMECOMING FOR IT FOR COMING BACK FROM THE COMPUTER SHOP!!! No more laptops!! I'm so sick and tired of the formatting problems using laptops!!! BWAHAHAHAHA (I personally think it's also because I'm kinda influenced by Tamaki. Oops. XP)
And so the beautiful gay returns~
... and finds myself in a very tight spot. UH-HUH. I'm seriously re-addicted to all the things I loved before I imposed the blog curfew on myself. And now that STPM is barely 2 weeks away, I find myself attracted to the PS2, in love with the computer... and most of all - chasing anime all over again.
While I'm trying to exert a lot of self control on myself - my attempts have been futile!!! What more with the amount of cake I consume daily (high intake of sugar leads to hyperactivity?) .... I just can't sit still these days.... *mourns*
On another note:
OMG!!! I can't believe I neglected Eyeshield 21 and have never watched it before!! The whole anime is so addictive and I feel as if I'm somewhat motivated to rewatch all those long-running Slam Dunk and Prince of Tennis all over again!! Maybe I've stopped watching anime for so long that the second I started my Eyeshield marathon - I practically reached a point of no return.
THIS - is proof of my Eyeshield addiction. OMG. XD
Here in this promotional poster you can see the Deimon Devil Bats team, the Ojo White Knights team, the Sphinx team, The Cowboy/Gunmen team (suddenly had a memory lapse and can't remember their team name XD)
GO DEIMON!!!! And the reason why I love Deimon so terribly so is because of their fantastically DEVILLISH captain AND quarterback: Hiruma Yoichi!
NOOOOOOOO!! I'm not trying to say he's a bishie (cos he definitely isn't) but he is the life of the show!!! Dunno where he gets his super, uber cool machine guns to fire at his teammates whenever they slack off and yells "YAAAAA-HAAAA!!!" at them to boost their morale.
OOOOOHHHH Hiruma-san, serenade me with your Ya-Ha's and gun me down to death to make me study, no? Nyaaaaah~!
I can't believe I said that. XD
Another cast that I love in Eyshield 21 would be these three dimwits - THE HA-HA brothers!!! XD XD
These HA-HA brothers make me laugh each and every time they make an appearance!!! However, Jumonji (the one in the middle) somewhat gets more and more serious throughout the series.
Last but not least, the typical hero of the series!! Presenting to you: Eyeshield 21, also known as the timid Sena Kobayakawa!!! Unlike a certain arrogant Ryoma Echizen, (sorry Ryoma fans!!) the lead character of Eyeshield 21 is actually someone who's down-to-earth and all the more lovable to fans like me. XD
Yup. Watching Eyeshield triggered me to REWATCH Bleach (...OMG??) in which I have progressed to a good episode 71. BWAHAHAHAHAHA. I rewatched Death Note too, but am stuck at episode 4 because I lost episode 5-11. BWAHAHAHAHA. I'm rewatching Ouran, and I'm declaring my all-out love to the Hitachiin brothers' TWINCEST!!! GAHAHAHAHAHA. But most of all, I watched 31 episodes of Eyeshield in 2 days!!! God knows how I accomplished that... XD
... and I blame all this readdiction on the wonderous school who set our trials to end so late in the year, and ultimately depriving us of time to rest and relax before our real exams.
As a matter of fact, most MBS-ians (Upper Sixers and Form Fives too~) are now seen to be exhibiting a strange behaviour in which I would like to call as -
Yup, I'm sure many people agree on that. Just read Apek's blog and you'll see how he's struggling to keep whatever sanity he has left. XD Or read HuiYing darling's blog on how she too has lost her cool on studying. XD
By the way, anime is not the only thing I'm re-addicted to. I find my thoughts straying to shorties which is NOT good at all. Uh-oh. My hidden paedophilic potential may once again emerge in due time.... (I think it'll resurface on the 19th of Nov. The day when Bio Paper 2 begins. OMG!)
Oops. Wasted an hour typing post that's 95% about Eyeshield and 5% about me. YA-HA!
A Ya-HA to everyone out there reading!!! XD XD
It started off with ADRIAN and Ah Wah barging into my class midway during a rather DEPRESSING Bio lesson which actually left me pretty speechless for a bit. XD I was more speechless at the fact that the candles actually read 20 YEARS OLD instead of my very young and beautiful 19!!! THE GOT's only 19!!!!
Anyway, blew the cake to bits and cut pieces for everyone... it was almost very typical -
- UNTIL HUIYING BARGED IN to deliver to me a super huge bundle of surprises!! View the pics down there, yup? (there's some formatting prob when I use the laptop for some weird reason... HMMMMM.
Later, I found out that Nicque/Brandon was supposed to bring in the cake to reduce me into a complete bloody gore of nosebleed. I'm somewhat very thankful that it was Adrian and Ah Wah who both brought it in instead. HAHAHAHAHA
Poor Nicque!! I was so touched that he actually came to school just to bring in my cake but he came too late and HuiYing and Mingyen thought he was absent. I'M SOOOOO TOUCHEDDDD!!! I'm even more touched that he could still manage to smile after Ms Chan so very harshly lectured him about 'being a prefect and wearing house clothes to school'!!! OOOOOOH! I'M SOOOOOO TOUCHEDDDDD!!! *nosebleed*
He's so much more than just short and cute~!! NYAHHHHHH~!!! (I just somewhat realised that after Mingyen went gushing bout Nicque. GAHAHAHAHAHA. Now I had a paedophile-in-crime, while my partner-in-crime is HuiYing.)
ANYWAY, the (usually grouchy) Chem lab assistant was actually UNUSUALLY COOL today. You see, HuiYing needed to borrow some RM5 to swap ice creams with me today. (Yup, that's how broke we actually are.) So we very brilliantly went to ask Mr David for the money. But he declined with such a weird excuse like, "I'm a teacher and you are students, that's why I can't lend you money or else I'll be an Ah Long."
....HMMMMMM??? Somebody tell me if that whole sentence made any sense to you.
ANYWAY, wanted to go ask Mr Deven because he's one great teacher and all - but we couldn't find him!! HuiYing ended up borrowing from AMA. (Which shocked us all to no end cos Ama brought so much money to school for the very first time!! BWAHAHAHAHA XD XD) After exchanging ice creams, HuiYing and I went around bad-mouthing Mr David or something. AHAHAHHAHA. We are pretty dangerous people.... nope? XD XD
And when Mr David came into the Chem lab... the lab assistant did the unexpected!!! She actually told off Mr David in a super cool tone!! "Lu cho ha mi lao ser student eh seh jit boh hor bin??? Guo kor nia ma!!" (What kind of a teacher are you to not show a single expression to your student?? It's only RM5!!!)
...I APPLAUDED. OMG. XD XD (We weren't asking for some thousands... *sigh* He's one thrifty old man. GAWRSH.)
So later during PA, Mr David was so nice to bring me for a walk to the Koperasi and bought me an ice cream. AHAHAHAHAH that shocked me too~! XD XD
So indulge in these photos for a bit, yup? It's kinda hard to type on dad's laptop. :P

OOOOOOOOOOH. I can feel blood gushing out of my head right now. XD XD Need to ciao before I really faint around here...
So thanks again everyone for making the day so memorable!! Sincerely from the bottom of the wondrous GOT's heart. Sometimes (such as times like these) I feel that what really makes ME, ME is you guys, your randomness and your care. Love you all loads. :)
FIRST AND FOREMOST: TODAY IS A VERY VERY VERY IMPORTANT DAY. Give me some freedom to wish myself on this really super special day, yup? It's the time and age when we grow old, grow smarter, grow crazier based on whatever nonsense we're fed on... AND SO, I'm wishing myself...
YEAH!! My blog grows super super smarter and older today!! Congrats blog darling!! Nyahahahahaha~!
... oh yeah. Which surprisingly coincides with my 19th birthday. AH HAH!!! Looks who's older now??? 200 or 19??!!! GAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Anyway, I'm here to blog not just about my DARLING blog but also about my other real living darlings who have made this very day of mine all the more memorable. You see, I received a whole string of SMS from all my darlings from as early as 1st November... (sounds familiar, Happy Onion?? XD XD) ... and somehow my mum's more excited about my birthday than hers. HAHAHAHAHA the earliest one to wish me this year would be my crazy mum (XD) who has hopping around excitedly since last week - or rather the week before last. BWAHAHAHAHA sometimes I think it's because she wants to see someone else get older instead of herself... hmmmmm.... XP
... So, since I really love the messages I got this year around, I'll be off doing crazy things such as this:
My inaugural annual Birthday SMS award presentation - and here are the categories and its winners!!! (I see that I'm nuttier than ever on this super crazy day XD)
This category has three winners!!! And these 3 shocking people are...
I almost laughed like a hysterical fool when Viki was among the few people to stay up til 12am to wish me. I was so shocked that I re-read the message over and over again. AHAHAHAHA. Siva was even BETTER!! He actually typed out some super complex SMS that I fail to even produce here on the laptop. (oh yeah, on another note - my whole comp totaly crashed. There goes my 20GB of anime that I have yet to complete downloading... *mourns*)
AND MY EXPRESSION WAS COMPLETELY HORRIFIC WHEN I SAW NICK'S CUTE LIL MSG. OMG OMG OMG. I (literally) went psychoed for some minutes and started jumping around the house like a hyperactive bunny. BWAHAHAHAHA *nosebleeds to death* (it's been a long time since my last nosebleed. XD)
Next category:
My first response was, "OMG!!! Ama's got credit!! Need to buy TOTO!!!"
.... Yup. I know all of you out there are also thinking the same. XD
Here are excerpts from their messages that almost brought (some) tears to the sensitive gay's heart. XD