8:16 PM

The Hectic Phototaking Week caused more randomness among its U6Sc2 inhabitants.

Despite the very tiring week (just because we must be present in school all week XD), life just got random-er. BWAHAHAHAHA

It all started with a very early morning pek chek Vin darling.

Look at the poor WOT!!! She looks so stressed even though she's just standing in the middle of the field!!

And because nearly 3/4 of the class was involved in the phototaking, Mr David himself too was very surprised at the emptiness of the class.

Our very empty class.

To no one's great surprise though, the class was still mightily noisy with Hone-y, Ama and Huiying around. XD

PA almost KILLED me with drowsiness, and for the first time I was ACTUALLY really thankful to have the afternoon session ppl leave me some rubbish in my desk. Guess why?

They gave me an opportunity to test my brain skills by transforming this lil Giant advertisement scraps into some kind of amusing jigsaw puzzle.

I'm so creative!!! Look!! I'm a genius!! I can see that this one of a kind thing is RM39.90!!!

... Ama seems to be very excited over the RM39.90 thing, in which we do not know what it is. BWAHAHAHAHAHA

HuiYing then got so bored since Chongo and everyone else wasn't in class, so we started playing with the camera~

I almost went blind trying to search for the 'timer' function. BWAHAHAHAHA. Though, cute lil HuiYing's arms must have expanded longer to reach the camera. XD

... my mouth was like that because I was secretly eating in class. SHHHHHHHH. XP

HuiYing tried to get all 5 of us: HuiYing, YokeYee, Hone-y, Ama and myself in the picture which ended up looking foolishly funny...

.... notice how we captured more of the Bio book then ourselves. BWAHAHAHAHA

Minus the Bio book... STILL looks weird. HuiYing was laughing uncontrollably and she can be seen fighting very hard with herself to stop laughing like a psycho~

After fiddling around with thousands of poses and millions of camera angles... we finally noticed that....



God knows why we didn't notice him from the start...

We finally got a nice pic in which both Hone-y and Ama's backbones are gone after the endless posings~!!!

It took Siva several tries to get this photo snapped. He even somehow managed to remove the batteries and everything which made us howl like nuts XD

I also noticed how our common hobby/ favourite pasttime in school is....


HuiYing caught a few ppl dozing off in class...

Siva during Chemistry.

Ama during Bio.

Myself during PA.

GAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA for some stupid reason that's one way how my class is united! XD

Viki then came in after recess and pretended to look hardworking for this photo~

Viki looking hardworking!!!

Then we all went into a spectacles mania which started with Ah Hone!!!
(U6Sc2 ppl are dangerous when they are bored!! Anything can be a toy. BWAHAHAHAHA)

Hone-y wearing Mei Ling's specs...

Hone-y wearing Ama's specs...

Myself wearing Mei Ling's specs...

Ama's super yeng pose with Mei Ling's specs.

We then got too bored with glasses and decided to play with hair instead. Ama ending up as the victim~

BOOOOOOOO! Pondaniak (instead of pontianak) of U6Sc2!!!

Mei Ling suddenly planned this super great outing to Momo's someday, and started singing. Soon we all joined in, with Ama being the lead singer. Here she can be seen singing Stand by Me~ Don't play play with Ama, ya know?? She can sing when she's forced to. XP

Ama singing while I was busy with: the background SFX, BGM, background random rapping, nonsensical out of tune clapping.

Hone-y and Mei Ling joins in with the song~!

Mei Ling and I then had our 12436th wedding picture.

We are holding the trophy of love~!!

Super cute Mei Ling~! That's why me love-y her. XP

GAHAHAHAHAHAHA and then school ended. We concluded that we learnt nuts that day.

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