Meant to blog this yesterday but I totally snoozed off like a dead pig. So, sorry for the delay, all my blog-lovers.
Before I begin this post I must say something fairly important:
(... if he were alive.) ....
Anyway, glad to know yet another Tales of the Abyss fan!! Hahahaha I've got to say that I prefer the arrogant Luke that destroyed Akzeriuth than the Luke in post-Akzeriuth. :P Though he got on my nerves occasionally with those snippy comments on my dear Fon Master Ion.
Okay, back to the topic on one of my most memorable Christmas ever in my 18 years. Started the morning off with a
yawn, seriously, because MYen insisted that we go over to her church at
10am sharp (or earlier). Anyway, managed to get up EVEN earlier to fetch Juju dearest~
Had a blast in church!!
(An embarrassing AMA moment: Ama drove all the way to PISA instead of heading to MYen's church, Tabernacle of Grace, at Krystal Point.)After church we (Hui Min, MYen, Juju, Juyi, Vin, Ama, Adrian and I) headed off the QBay. The jam to get there really sucks, darlings. I've learnt my lesson:
AVOID QBAY DURING FESTIVE SEASONS.Was practically stuck there in the jam just heading to the car park for HALF AN HOUR. Thank goodness HuiMin darling was driving an auto. Would have really really pitied her or anyone else who's driving a
manual.Went to Forever 21 the moment we got there just to become a
guinea pig to
Vin darling's Winter Collection.
Vin and I at Forever 21 trying out Vin's Winter Collection. BWAHAHAHAHA
Anyway, had lunch at
Kenny Roasters/ Rogers where we
joked that HuiMin's chicken was just hatching.
MYen ordered this drink that 'exploded' the moment she tried to stir it. Doesn't it look... er... BOMB-y?? BWAHAHAHAHA(how dare she tried to blame that my saliva was the cause of this 'explosion' since I was the first one to steal a sip.) :P
Adrian was so lucky to be the only thorn among all us gorgeous roses!!!I tried my hardest to persuade him to join my Gay Club - I'll even make him Ass. Secretary!! I'm yet to receive an answer... (most likely
99.9% a
My gay club would prevail should our dear
Head Boy join my modest club but... :(
Juju and I~!! Our hair has grown~!! I need a cut before returning to school~!!... that was random.
Vin and I shook hands. Be forewarned oh dear MBS-ians!! This is the mark of a
new age in the history of
publishing of MBS!! This is the sign of the pact between the Editor of the Editorial Board and the Editor of (violent) SUARA~!!
Prepare to be REVOLUTIONISED o ye citizens of MBS~!!!
*tears of joy*
ANYWAY, back to
HuiMin's chicken and eggs...IT TURNS OUT THAT IT WAS REALLY JUST HATCHING.Poor her waited for some
half an hour when the rest of us were busy dining and feasting!! She went home
foodless! FOODLESS!!
(You know how I react when there's no food.)
Hui Mei then joined us... and Rene darling came along a little later~ Intended to watch Bedtime Stories but somehow it was sold out and we ended up watching
Ip Man.
I must say this one thing:
It is pronounced as Ip 'Mun', not I-P MAN. My very grave mistake, people. Cos this Ip Man is totally awesome!! I had faith in the show when MYen was waving it in front of us. Ama and HuiMei already planned to sleep in the cinema before entering.
But everything was proven to be wrong when Ama and I walked out of the cinema in our
Wing Chun styles. Ip Man is totally awesome!! Watch it if you haven't!! It absolutely inspired me~!!
I'm gonna practice Wushu like mad, people!! It's my burning spirit of WUSHU~!!
(which reminds me that I haven't practiced Wushu in MONTHS.)
Adrian driving. This pic is priceless~!!AHEM~!! We then went to party at Vin's house, "The View" and had one of the greatest parties ever. Let the pics do the talking....

My dearest son Vern was so absolutely 'kuai' when he served me a drink in our 'yam cha' ceremony~!!
What a filial son!! But Ama thinks he's not... *sigh*

The filial son presenting Ama with tea... (and suggesting that she will enjoy long life...

Us psychos (the four of us) tried to do something dumb like a criss-cross 4-way drinking stunt. Sort of worked though :P

Don't I look so stunningly
RICH wearing Rene's dark sunglasses??!!
(I actually wore those sunglasses in QBay while saying "Let's go the Versace people!! Where's Guess? Where's Versace?"
... and Adrian just had to snicker at the back by saying... "She looks blind.")
Ama and Debz~!!

My darling sister, and my dearest sis-in-law~!!

Those hooligans were partying by the poolside. And this picture proves ultimately that JuYi's too thin to be true. :O

Another embarrassing AMA moment: She fell into the pool. (Ok, ok... somebody pushed her! It definitely wasn't me cos I was busy snapping shots.)

No party with me is ever complete without at least a round of cards~!! CHOR TAI TEE!!

I lost, however. Lucky we weren't playing money. But sadly, we decided to help Vin's mum finish off the food.
For the first time, eating was worse than losing money. That 'filial' son of mine loaded my turkey meat with lots and LOTS of sambal plus other turkey dressings!! Vin says that the photo above is
family love. Ha... ha.
And the aftermath...
... is this.I had to squat at the back to digest all that strange little 'brew' of sambal and turkey dressing while my darling Hime-chan just laughs cruelly at my helplessness.

BWAHAHAHAHA thank gooness I wasn't the only one cause I was teaming up with Rene darling!! Both of us had to eat something disgusting~!! BWAHAHAHAHA

The lousy gambling partners that lost. BWAHAHAHAHA

Determination!! (which was useless without luck)
And after losing again... I gave up.

Rene and Debz~

Ah-hah!! Presenting to you all darlings.... this is my
Actually, Vin darling gave birth to him,but since Vin darling IS my darling, so I'm also the mother to this cute little filial new son of mine~! He's yet to receive his first bath the day this picture was taken. Ain't he CUTE~??!! My newborn~!!

THIS IS WHY I SAID HE'S A FILIAL SON!!! He painted my nails~!!
Poor Gary, he was a
near victim to our
crazy, vicious, cross dressing plans since he's a
newborn. You know how mothers like to dress their newborns! Then he was a near victim to GAY CONTAMINATION when Ama and I tried to watch
something on Youtube.
At night(or rather, morning??) , after everyone had gone home, the REAL party began! Vin, Rene, hime, Ama and I absolutely let it loose while watching Mamma Mia and Anastasia. When the show was finished, we made our own production of
"Pak Ahmad dan bininya Mak Aminah",
"Vin's First Pregnancy",
"Random Superhero named Ama" and
"Modelling" - all using just...
For (NOT) the first time in my life... CRAZY was an understatement. And all this madness without the slightest trace of
I'm somewhat relieved that Vin and I didn't detour to buy alcohol from Jusco before heading to her place.I got too lazy and too embarrassed to even post up the pics of our crazy dwaddling around blankets and pillows.
We went to sleep at 4 am and then we woke up at 7 am.
Ama and I then went all the way to Balik Pulau to catch insects. In which, on the way back, I felt so sick I nearly vomitted. BWAHAHAHAHAHA.
And that concludes my very memorable Xmas. Let's be prepared for yet another one next year, friends!!
(And we're tearing your house down again next year, Vin.) :P
Merry XMas ye all who loves the beautiful gay (ME) right up to the very core of me~!!