NARNIA IS SO MIND-BLOWING!! OMG I just love King Edmund~! He proved to be far more useful than either Prince Caspian or King Peter. Peter had such a stupid face of arrogance that made me wanna punch him every time I see him. Grrr... But overall, it was a good show~!!
Thanks to Manda darling telling me about QBay's game shop, I ran there and bought SEVEN games at one shot. Gahahahaha my current Naruto obsession made me buy Naruto Chronicles 2 and Naruto 3: Ultimate Ninja!! But I dunno why I bought those games even though I know that the PS2 will never return into my open arms...
I bought these!! Look!! Sasori's in here~!
I love this image of the game I bought because if you observe properly, Naruto fans... NARUTO DOES A KAGE BUNSHIN NO JUTSU AND TOTALLY PUTS A RASENGAN INTO SAKURA!! Ama, are you reading this??!! YAY!!
I know it says Nintendo but my cover looks more like this one. DO YOU KNOW THAT YOU CAN USE SASORI IN HIRUKO in the game once you've unlocked some stuff??!! I've gotta look it up on Wikipedia later!!
I'm sorry for being overly excited... I still am. XD
I hate studying back again. It totally stole my entertainment away. Speaking about entertainment, I finished Shonen Onmouji in a day!! Talk about boredom. And PEOPLE, that's one of the crappiest anime I've ever watched.
Now, of studies and money... Form 6 is making my wallet empty - and that is for certain. WE HAVE TO PAY FOR PRACTICALLY EVERYTHING. Why?? Why?? Why??
And thanks to this:
... most teachers already recognize me. BWAHAHAHAHA to save some money, I've been approaching EVERY teacher that's teaching us or NOT teaching us to photostat this and that instead of buying them. BWAHAHAHAHA
Loads of teachers also recognize me because of my sudden fondness for Form 6 ties. My friends have concluded that I'm in my quest to look for SEVEN school ties. But actually, I'm only eying for TWO. BWAHAHAHAHA I have a choice of being a Prefect or a monitor but I've decided to go for Monitor even though Prefect would get me more marks because...
Erm... yes, that's my sole reason.
And teachers know me because everywhere I go I ask these MUST-ASK and MUST-SAY things:
1. Is there a tie for this society?
2. Do we have lots of work to do?
3. I'm lazy.
BWAHAHAHAHAHA and believe it or not, our MBS Newsletter teacher actually said that I'm lively and she put me into the production team. Just when I told her I'm lazy.
The world we've known has changed... *sigh*
There are things that I dislike about MBS, especially the EVERY MORNING ASSEMBLY. Just which school assembles in the field every morning?? This is the first time that I actually pray for it to rain every day on a school day. ARGHHHHHH. Do you know that lessons start at 7.30 am every morning??!! It's so troublesome to wake up so early in the morning. I'm lazy!! I'm VERY lazy!! Let me sleep!! FOOLS!!
And well, the Head Prefect seems to be pitiful too. He's Pookie-Pooka's friend but he seems to have very little control over the students. Poor thing. He probably doesn't know this, but due to where we Lower 6s are standing and where HE is standing on the podium... we can NEVER see his face. All we see is... erm... his legs (that is, if we are lucky). This is NATURE'S CALL. (Some dumb tree blocks him completely). And Mei saw his face for the first time only on FRIDAY even though we've been there for 2 long weeks. (I saw him on the first week's Thursday!!)
I read an MBS-ian's blog and s/he wrote a lot about Chiko!! Well... all I can say is that... MBS-ians... PLEASE BE CAREFUL OF THIS CHIKO. You see, my darling Pookie-Pooka (Vinny) and I were caught by this Chiko the other day and I shudder to think whether we were the first L6 people to get caught by Chiko. And THANKS to Pookie-Pooka, Chiko talked and talked with no end (Chiko still continued on talking even though the recess bell had rung and recess had ended.) FREAKISH. And I didn't even paid attention to those seniors and my darling classmates waving to us from the opposite block!! I mean, I saw them and all but... I thought they were just doing some silly stunts. GAH! Freaky. Thank goodness I'm airport. :P
NO GAYS!! That's the saddest part. The gay cheerleader has already graduated from Form 6. *sobs* Pookie-Pooka claims to have seen him at Queensbay today... and even though I was THERE with her, I didn't see him!!
Oh... the cruel face of destiny never satisfies this beautiful gay's fluttering heart... *over-dramatic pose*
I randomly did this and...
Your Mind is NC-17 Rated |
You're mind is so filthy... you should should be washing every part of you out with soap. If your thoughts can go dirty, they do. Almost everything is NC-17 to you! |
BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! I almost fell off the chair reading this!! I guess this runs in my family... this pervertism... AHEM.
And well, next... Am I lady??
You Are 2% Lady |
You tend to make up your rules of etiquette, throwing all conventions aside. And while you try to be a lady (sometimes), your behavior is often quite shocking. |
Well... that explains the next one, though.
You Are 70% Boyish and 30% Girlish |
You are pretty evenly split down the middle - a total eunuch. Okay, kidding about the eunuch part. But you do get along with both sexes. You reject traditional gender roles. However, you don't actively fight them. You're just you. You don't try to be what people expect you to be. |
And if you need more proof as to whether I'm gay, well...
You Are 12% Girly |
Um... you're a guy, right? If not, you're the most boyish girl in the world. And for you, that's probably the ultimate compliment. |
... That's it. I'm really gay~! *does a happy onion dance* And I LOVE visiting Lynn's blog :D
Whoo wow!! I tried this (taken from Jas's blog) and I'm surprised as to how it suits me so well.
What Rebecca Means |
You are wild, crazy, and a huge rebel. You're always up to something. You have a ton of energy, and most people can't handle you. You're very intense. You definitely are a handful, and you're likely to get in trouble. But your kind of trouble is a lot of fun. You are friendly, charming, and warm. You get along with almost everyone. You work hard not to rock the boat. Your easy going attitude brings people together. At times, you can be a little flaky and irresponsible. But for the important things, you pull it together. You are full of energy. You are spirited and boisterous. You are bold and daring. You are willing to do some pretty outrageous things. Your high energy sometimes gets you in trouble. You can have a pretty bad temper at times. You are very open. You communicate well, and you connect with other people easily. You are a naturally creative person. Ideas just flow from your mind. A true chameleon, you are many things at different points in your life. You are very adaptable. You are usually the best at everything ... you strive for perfection. You are confident, authoritative, and aggressive. You have the classic "Type A" personality. |
Pretty accurate, eh? Even though there are thousands of Rebecca's in this world. :O
Believe it or not, the FIRST friend I've made in MBS (first OTHER school friend... since most people I hang around in my new school were previously MGS-ians) is actually No. 1 in all of CDK. And the second friend I made was... THE No. 2 in CDK.
I made another friend and she was No. 3 in Jelutong previously.
And then my next few friends were shonen-ai fans!! People who love BL!! YAY!! I was practically doing a happy onion dance or something. :P I wonder why I attract people like this. Maybe because I'm gay.
If you're wondering why I haven't made a single male friend, it's cause the male population (as well as the gay population) seems almost extinct in my year :( At least there are several notable CUTTTTTTTEEEEEEEEE people in Upper 6 (such as Mr. Deputy and Mr. Computer Man)... THERE ARE EXTREMELY COOOOLLLLLLL!!
Mr. Deputy has such a 'yeng' presence around him! He waves to the crowd as though he's some beauty pageant!! SOOOOOOOO 'yeng'!!!
And Mr. Computer Man is just CUTTTTTTTTEEEEE!! I like his voice. Too bad he ain't gay.
Oh, cute as in cute and not uh... good-looking.
There's not a single cute looking guy around.... (cute as in good looking).
My gay heart yearns for more~
Did I mention that everyone looked at me when they mentioned that the cheerleading group are recruiting new members?? OOOOOHHHHH the SHAME!!
I attended Bio class for the first time today and rest-assured... I PHILLIC Mr. Khor!! He's one of the cutest teachers I've ever met, and he's just sooooooooooooo COOOLLLLLL!!! Which other teacher:
1. Says that he's been teaching for 35 years and only says that he's 20 years old?
2. Shows pictures of GAYS kissing and associating gays with lab researches?
3. Shows pictures of GAY MARRIAGES - those that are only legal in Spain??
4. Airs the trailer of Narnia: Prince Caspian DURING class and asks us to tell our parents that we will be home late after tuition cos it premieres today and we've gone after class to watch it?
5. Tells us to buy RM140 Bio books and then later says that HIS book is only worth RM2?
My gay heart beats for men like this. *swoons*
I also met Rebecca, an old friend of mine there in tuition. Oooh!! And Sean was there too! :D Time for me to return to my Inuyasha-ing~!
Finally I've entered Form 6!! And I realised the most important thing about Form 6. It's all about:
Yeah, money.
The population of boys to girls in MBS Form 6 is about like, er... 50:170 so my hopes on meeting beautiful gays... totally banished.
And yes, on the first day of orientation I actually told the Principal that I want to MEET MBS Cheerleaders (if you do not know what I mean, I actually meant that I want to meet beautiful gays) but instead he thought that I wanted to JOIN the MBS Cheerleading team. My friends were like: "YOU WANNA GO JOIN CHEERLEADING??Are you the same person we knew last year?"
I already gave a wrong impression on my first day. Plus, that was in front of about like... 200 people?? *blushes and hides away*
And I'm proud to mention that Wen Lee has found her eternal rival on the very first day of school.
Nothing much happened on the first two days of school except for a whole lot of yakking and loss of money. :( (You even have to pay RM40 to park in school grounds)
On the upper hand, we're really treated like Pre-U students and not secondary students~! We have our own lecture hall which is fully air-cond, plus different toilet facilities and stuff. But somehow the school is KINDA stuffy...?
Oh and did I mention that the Physics teacher is absolutely brilliant? I loved her at first sight! Too bad I'm taking Bio. But she's so inspiring that for a few minutes I actually thought of taking Physics. BWAHAHAHAHAHA. And MUET really seems like a pain.
Nothing much. The headmaster reminds me of Pn. Annie, there's a teacher named Papa Koay who shares a STRIKING resemblance with Han Papa, a counselor who looks like my uncle and loads of Chinese teachers that speak fluently in BM. Which surprised me.
That's all~ I guess! Nothing much.
No gays. *sigh*
The first time I used my brains in 5 months.
Today was disastrous.
Since Manda darling mentioned something about Rosario to Vampire's silly lead character's (Tsukune Aono) seiyu, (Daisuke Kishio) I decided to post something IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT because I got addicted listening to beautiful Inuyasha's voice.
And just to compile new things I've learned about seiyuus, Daisuke Kishio also voices none other than annoying Kaname Kuran (Vampire Knight), Luppi (Bleach- one of the Espadas who is now... an ex-Espada), my darling Azuma Yunoki (La Corda) and... SHINOBU TAKATSUKI (Junjou Romantica).
I suddenly realised that most seiyuus- the famous ones - all have VOICED yaoi anime before! Or even voiced yaoi DRAMAS!
With an exception of Mamoru Miyano, though. He who voices lovable Tamaki Suoh (Ouran), Raito Yagami (Death Note), my beloved vampire Zero Kiryuu (Vampire Knight), DEATH THE KID!!! (Soul Eater) and RIKU!!! (Kingdom Hearts). He voices all the men I love. :P
And my beloved Hatake Kakashi (Naruto), the pervert, is voiced by the same seiyuu as GUNTER (Kyou Kara Maou)!! How can Kazuhiko Inoue voice TWO characters of COMPLETELY different attitudes??? But then again, they aren't completely different since they are both... well, perverted, in a way.
And this probably isn't worth mentioning, but for the sake of my Naruto madness, Romi Paku, the one who voices Teresa (Claymore), Yuujirou Shihoudani (Princess Princess), Toshiro Hitsugayaa (Bleach)... also voices darling Temari (Naruto)!! The 5th Kazekage's sister!! :O
Okay, back to my yaoi epiphany. Arranged in order of 'surprised' to 'dumbfounded'.
1. Kisho Taniyama, who voices genius violinist Tsukimori Len (La Corda), Seiji Sawamura (Midori no Hibi) actually voices Takahiro Takatsuki (Junjou Romatica) and Durer (Enzai). YAOI ANIME!! *nosebleeds*
2. Jurota Kosugi, who voices the ever stoic man, David (Blood+), Kami-sama (Law of Euki), Asuma Sarutobi (Naruto) actually voices Aizawa (Sukisyo) and child sexual abuser Somuku Kanou (Okane Ga Nai)!!!! *nosebleed*
And he actually voices a Kami-sama (God).
3. Takahiro Sakurai, who voices so many of my favourite characters such as... Yuuri Shibuya (Kyou Kara Maou), Jenos (Black Cat), Yu Kanda (D Gray Man), beautiful SASORI (Naruto Shippuden), Shito Tachibana (Zombie Loan) and the man I HATE the most in anime history: SUZAKU KURURUGI (Code Geass) voices Misaki Takahashi in Junjou Romantica!! *nosebleeds*
4. Kenichi Suzumura... I love him!! He voices so many of my darling characters like the ever charming Hikaru Hitachiin (Ouran), Lavi (D Gray Man), Chika Akatsuki (Zombie Loan), Gippal (FFX-2), Demyx (Kingdom Hearts 2) voices Fujii Watari (Only the Ring Finger Knows), Might (Silver Chaos- yaoi game) and... SEIJI YAMADA from Sensitive Pornograph. *nosebleeds*
5. Gaara of the Sand (Naruto)'s voice actor, Akira Ishida who also voices Cho Hakkai (Saiyuki) and Zexion (Kingdom Hearts) voices AYASE (Okane Ga Nai DRAMA VERSION)!! *nosebleeds*
AND PRESENTING TO YOU... my most shocking discovery of all...
6. Jun Fukuyama. Voice actor of:
- Keiichi Shimizu (La Corda)
-Toru Kono (Princess Princess)
- Kei Takishima (Special A)
- Kenya Oshitari (Prince of Tennis OVA)
- and voice actor of the genius I respect most in my life: LELOUCH LAMPEROUGE
I hope that everyone reading this ridiculous post of mine which-has-nothing-to-do-with-my-life-whatsoever will feel as speechless as me.
Are you like :O ??? Well, I am, and I still am. You mean the same seiyuu as LELOUCH can do all those OOHS and AAHS??
What's with those GREAT seiyuus and voicing yaoi?
For those of you who are curous, Inuyasha's seiyuu, the one in which I have fallen for his voice, is not other than Kappei Yamaguchi - seiyuu of Ranma (Ranma 1/2), L. Lawliet (Death Note), Usopp (One Piece). His voice is beautiful...
*stares into the clouds*
But then again, it is now 1.54 am on May 8th 2008. :D
Manda dear! Thank you for influencing me to research on seiyuus! This is my first time researching stuff and i learned LOADS more than just this. Bwahahahaha
Ahhh... subarashi!! I just wasted some 45 minutes typing this post. Farewell to all and good night. I doubt that I'll be able to sleep after witnessing and discovering such wonderful things. :)
Wen Lee is back... with MUSCLES!! I'm scared to death just by staring at her right arm. She'll be going to Form 6 with me!! And her muscles are huge!! I'll have to hide behind Khai Ying ama at all times!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOo!!
Did I mention that I've decided to go to Form 6? I did get a tawaran to go to Universiti Tun Hussein Onn in Johor through the IPTA thingy and it is subsidized but I rejected it cos the course offered was... Mechanical Engineering. *sigh*
I've decided to take Bio in Form 6... but to be on the safe side, I randomly took a quiz - 'is Science for you?' thing. Randomly.
And the results:
You've got the brains of a scientist, you love to probe and you understand logic-based deductions. Your attitude however, is LACKING. A career in science needs persistence and drive. You're BORED with the mysteries of the universe even before you know what they are. You're also A TAD LAZY. Take that out of the equation and you might stop YAWNING and start investigating.
W-What?? I'm LAZY??!! That's why these quizzes are just ABSURDITIES. *puff*
On the bright side, I sound very much like Shikamaru.

YAY! I think I'll just stay this way and forget about taking out my yawning and stuff...
*sudden transformation*
Gays are such wonderful people.
*sudden transformation*
Maybe I should start looking out into the clouds more often... (Manda would understand.) :)
On another note, all my friends started laughing like hyenas when I told them all that I will start being SERIOUS from this Monday onwards.