My eyes feel tired these few days. I wash my eyes with Optrex EVERY NIGHT. Must be the HOURS in front of the comp and on the PS2!! But its exciting, you see... cause I've played 46 hours of PS2 in 7 days!! And I'm ALMOST completing Kingdom Hearts 2 in another.... 4 days, at the most. Its a record time!! I've never finished an RPG so quickly before in my life!! But I won't be proud of myself this time, cos the disc keeps jamming up and I'm unable to complete Atlantica and Pride Lands. I'll only be jumping into The World That Never Was and Sora's at a pitiful level 50. *gasps*
I will try to improve my stats!! So off I go!!
It took me 19 and a half hours to play from the start of Zanarkand Ruins to the end of FFX! I'm so proud of myself! Within my own 20 hour limit! And right in 3 days!
I finished FFX! And I'm feeling very proud with myself. But I cried like a baby while killing my aeons. I barged into Jecht, forgetting to heal right after some 10 battles with some horrid 'inside Sin' fiends. (And a Great Malboro, at that). * gasps* No spoilers! Cause there's someone here who's not finished with the game! *stares accusingly at Pat*
I'll miss Auron. I'll miss Tidus. Tidus' Slice and Dice Overdrive was inflicting 9999 HP damage with each strike.
I love Yuna. Without her, I would have died. Her Holy was doing 43 000 HP damage to anything that stood in her path! By the way, her Magic stats was at 122. God knows how I got her that far! Lulu was only at 68. Even Wakka was already at 53.
And my dearest Cindy, Mindy and Sandy were inflicting over 250 000 HP damage with their Delta Attack Overdrive! Anima was doing 53 000 HP damage just by using Pain! Its Overdrive was well over 120 000 HP. And my Valefor was inflicting 33 000HP in Overdrive! See why I cried? *tears spill again*above l to r: Yuna, Tidus
bottom l to r: Rikku, Auron, Kimahri, Wakka, Lulu
My next blog theme shall be FFX! (or Kingdom Hearts... maybe?) Await my new layout!
Oh well, FFX aside! Now I shall tackle Kingdom Hearts 2! I WILL finish it before Chinese New Year! It'll be a busy affair!
I shall be off to start it now... *runs off*
*runs back* On another note, I'm cuter, eh? With this Chibi-Maruko thing?
*runs off*
My blog shall be dead for about a week. (Not that it isn't already). I will be in Singapore for a while to... (hopefully) find the man of my dreams... preferably... a Japanese! Well, while I dream on... here is the pic of me and my mad friends tearing down Toys 'R' Us with our beauty.
*sudden transformation*
My darling imoto is not in the picture because she was too busy admiring her aniki's beauty from afar! Bwahahahaha my beauty is a sin!
*sudden transformation*
And here's Tsukimori Len for Pat to see... he's a violinist with the light blue hair.
And mosquitos? Don't ask for presents. :P
Oh ya, I cut my hair, and am a real-life ChibiMaruko! So much for growing my hair to make it Yunoki-ish! That dream is still far far far far far far far away...
ps- Irene darling! I missed you!
I am here to blog, thanks to Karyn's wake up bells.
Uh... yes. It is I, the Genius. And this is what happened.
I went to Queensbay yesterday with Soviet, Pat darling, Imoto darling (and Irene, in our hearts). And so we went to this Aw Yong shop that sold 5 manga for RM20!! Of course those manga were in Chinese, but what did it matter to my little otaku brain?? The manga was too cheap to be true! And so I bought 5. With Soviet-sama. We shared. And we bought. 5.
(Note: We can't read, speak, or understand Chinese.)
After that, we hopped into another shop, and Soviet-sama bought another 2 Chinese manga, thanks to the beautiful cover which featured two EXTREMELY pretty men!! Thank you, Pat-darling for pointing it out!! Somehow, emptying our wallets made us feel very satisfied.
We then stepped into Borders where we boasted about how smart we were buying Chinese mangas for just RM4 per book while Borders was selling them for RM30.90 at the least. (In Borders we also came across this cool uncensored version of the 'Japanese Slang' book and Soviet and I had some very hard time believing what we were seeing. The book was full of pervertic words such as.... er... I shan't put it up here, in case there are innocent readers here. BWAHAHAHA on the whole, the book shocked us pretty good!!)
Then we went to McDonalds and I suddenly realised we weren't so 'genius-y' anymore. We ripped open the book with those gorgeous-ly looking men and after 15 minutes of reading 4 pages, we realised the guy who looked like a guy was a girl and the guy who looked like a girl was a guy and so the manga wasn't a 'bent' manga, it was a 'straight' manga!
.... understand? It was 'straight'! No guy X guy!! Oh Wai Yee, Your Highness! Forgive me! Your princess has sinned! Your princess can now no longer tell the difference between male and female! How... how.... how can I bear the title of Yaoi Queen??
*clear throat*
(Anyway, I tried reading my Chinese version of Vampire Knight and had horrid results. I understood 1/4 of what they said but if Irene didn't tell me what the story was about before, I would have lost my way. Oh God, looks like it'll really take me 10 years to read that one book.)
Ah, I'm a genius... buying things that I can't read. Genius.
We also had fun in Toys R Us! But I'm lazy to put pics in here. So I will some other day.
And I'll probably change Yunoki-sama to Claymore very soon. Claymore!!!! I can't believe I'm still so addicted to it. BWAHAHAHAHA
*sudden transformation*
Oh, imoto-chan! My DARLING!!! Not a second passes by without aniki thinking about you!! *flicks my long silver hair and bats my pretty eyelashes*
*sudden transformation*
Oh and I went back to school on Wednesday... was it? Or was it Thursday?? Oh, whatever... it was the first day of school! And how I already missed going to school! Soviet, Wen Lee and I did some real crazy things like plucking off posters on the walls outside the Physics and Chem Labs so that we could use the cellophane tape to tape on PC Lim 'flyers'. PUBLICITY!! And we threw the poster INTO another poster and I was pretty sure that that poster fell down three stories from the Physics Lab. We wanted to throw paper aeroplanes out into the balcony and down onto the garden below so that the gardener could pick up our rubbish but we couldn't since there were people around and Pn Leong was in the Physics Lab. Plus, we had no paper. We also went into every Science class to scribble PC Lim's name all over the boards! Man, I miss being naughty in school.
Oh and, we have new stalls in our canteen. Miss... (our Chem teacher, I forgot her name...) told us that the canteen operators were from... CLS, was it? Yeah, and she said that their food is much tastier than whatever we've been eating these past years. HMPH. They change the canteen operators ONLY AFTER we're gone? HMPH. Unjust. HMPH.
We also played with computers in our school's Cyber Centre, and sadly... THEY DON'T HAVE SHOCKWAVE! OR FLASH! OR JAVA! OR DIVX! Completely UNACCEPTABLE! How dare they call it a Cyber Centre?? No form of entertainment whatsoever *groans*
Oh well, I'm actually lazy to blog so I shall hurry away to aarinfantasy now. BWAHAHAHAHA I must obtain back my 'genius-ioty'.