SPM IS OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well, at least for me... WHEE!! I spent two and a half hours working on my blog and DARN, it didn't turn out as nice as I wanted it to but WHO CARES, its my first time with Photoshop!
I find myself very preoccupied with... Wolfram. My mind is full of his smiles, his green eyes... *sigh* His name dons every paper I sit for in SPM. WOLFRAMMMMMMMMMMM
Must be all that fanfic I've been reading and all that 'M' 'M' 'M'. YUURAMMMMMMMMMMM!!!! *ahem, Wai Yee*
Oh! I do realise that my blog has been dead for a pretty long time. May I revive it with my everyday lunatic-ness.
I must do all these now after SPM... not sorted according to priority:
1. Learn Japanese
2. Finish my HUGE stack of anime
3. Read manga
4. Download loads of stuff
5. Find a white wig
6. Finish KH2, FF12, FF10
7. Write fanfics
8. Scour for wallpapers and fanfics
9. "Visit" Japanese boys
10. Buy a kimono
11. Dye hair purple to match my eyes
12. Save money
13. Sleep with friends
14. Scour for handsome/pretty Japanese men/boys
15. Cry my heart out with Korean and Japanese shows
16. Scour for *ahem*
17. Form a rock band
18. Remove my hips
19. Throw unwanted books
20. Start a burning factory
21. Play lotsa comp games and become a gamer
22. Turning into a gambler
23. Improve tennis so I can match my Fuji
24. Rewatch Prince of Tennis
25. Learn to drive.
26. Learn pole-dancing to join Pat and Hui Kim
27. Play badminton like Wong Mew Choo (bwahahaha)
28. Things I can't think of right now.
I do notice that my list of things to do steadily grows longer and more ridiculous. But-whee! Then you'll know its me!
*sudden transformation*
Oh, relatives of handsome and sexy me! Do remember our date in Sheraton! We must sit down and plan our little modelling party! Let me prepare my long, ravishing hair to woo all the gay in town!
Soviet-san, we must SLEEP together!
No worries, aniki's darling imoto! Aniki still loves you best! Soviet and I are... are... just FLIRTING GAY PARTNERS! I know his heart is not tied to me... what a loss... I'm just too sexy and handsome to belong to only ONE! How un-selfish of Soviet-kun! What a surprise!
*sudden transformation*
Ahem! Sorry, I haven't played that role in a while. I babysit my six little darlings too often in school that I barely remember I'm gay.
SPM IS OVERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'll start with changing my blog layout.
I shall dedicate this post to people who still believe I am in the right mind.
Last Monday was our last day in school! I'll definitely miss all my classmates from 5 Science 1 2007 that made my life so much brighter throughout school life!
I'll miss ABIGAIL, she thought me about the birds and the bees when we were in Std. 3. She gave me such a solid foundation on such matters that I have undoubtedly turned into a pro in that field now. Plus, I've even gotten myself interested in yaoi. *and almost turning into one itself, currently*
There won't be AIMY anymore who would annoy me when she laughs too hard in class, and considering the fact that she sits in front of me, her chair always somehow manages to 'throw' my bottle to the ground. Accidentally. I'm sure to miss her sudden outbursts.
MING YEN'S laughter from behind is another one to miss. HOw can I forget her voice, which is usually the loudest, when we sing 'Happy Birthday' for Puan Ng every day during Add Maths and Maths? How can I forget the class joker, that make everybody smile with her cranky laughter?
Genius DENISE. I'll miss your Ginseng sweets for sure *are you reading this, Jas?* Hahahaha thank you for your patience by lending me papers in Add Maths tuition :p
I somehow remember sitting near CHIA SIN sometime in primary school. She was sitting with Sherine, and the both of them combined sure brings smiles to faces. I still remember how Chia Sin and I prayed during RC duties for no injuries since both of us are pretty hopeless first aiders...
I've known IRENE for only two years but it seemed like I've known her for so much longer! I fell in love with her (imaginary) brother, Fuji and thus, my name, Mrs Fuji. :p Since then Irene and I have been sisters-in-law!! I'll never forget her words of wisdom "Love and Hate is only 0.01 mm in difference" and "fate and coincidence are separated by a very thin line". I'm sure everyone remembers that since she writes it in everyone's yearbook, hahahaha! Ooh I'll never forget our crazy memories together during Flag Day, in cinemas, and up in the Physics lab in Form 4!
JAYASREE just came to our class this year and I'm happy to have known her for both Hui Kim and her drives me nuts with their insanity sometimes...
My closest friend in Std 5 JELISSA!! How can I forget our mad hours over the phone in primary school as well as our BOZOM playing times?? I can't believe we played BOZOM even in a swimming pool!! I still have advantages, though, til now... since my legs are longer and her feet are small. :p
I'm sad to leave my ASS as I leave Form 5. JEMIMAH darling, I'll miss the crazy things Sneha does to your uniform and the silly things you do to Kiran and Nicole!! I'll never forget our expeditions around school, collecting recycling items as well as being the two driving forces of 5 Science 1! We should have been awarded best monitor and best assistant. Blind judges gave the prize to someone less deserving than us... hahaha!
Fong Sai Yuk! Sum Wukong! Hahahaha those were my crazy moments with JOANNE in Std 4! We used to play 'let's pretend' and I was Chu Baqi (the pig). I'm not actually proud of it (what a character to pretend as!) but wha't important was that my primary days were definitely brighter with you around :P Our clubs together were 'The Girls' Club, the Library Club, The Christian Club'... the list goes on! We too, spent hours and hours on the phone while watching tv, remember? And we commented on every advertisement during commercial breaks! I wonder how my parents ever put up with the phone bill then...
My darling assistant in Form 3, KAMEENI. How can I forget those hours we spent in empty classrooms hiding from Pn. Sabariah? How we would complain on and on while talking about Malin (from Malin Kundang) that we watched only because he was handsome? Haha I still remember how we told each other our own secrets while 'syelek-ing' tables and chairs for Pn Sabariah!
KARYN, my classmate since Std 1! We've been in the same class for 11 years now! My mum almost always compared me to your intelligent brains back in primary (and now, still)! I'll remember you as that caring friend, who is, very easily bullied. Ee Lynn and I had fun bullying you back in Form 3. I can't believe your first sentence to Yench was 'Can I have my rubber back?' Hahahaha thank Ee Lynn and I for your happy memories! ;p
To my daughter, JZE YUIN. Your blurness amazes me though both of us are very much, equally blur. :p Thanks for the great times we had during RC! And no worries, mummy'll teach you Hokkien someday.
To my daughter, SHENG ZHENG who came out with Jze Yuin. Thanks for letting me bully you to do stuff that I should be doing as monitor. I'll miss asking you to do things for me... :p Jemimah disagrees with my ways.
KIRAN, my nutty friend! I've known you since we were in Std. 3! You've made me a talented writer too, in Std 5... when we were all mad about Final Fantasy and stuff. :) I should have kept one of them... but then we disposed of it in Std 6 together with our NSync 'poems'. Hah. You dirt-minded... diva. :p I wish I kept that small red book... sigh.
MEI MEI, my mother! Thanks for not feeding me, and leaving me to fend for myself. History repeats itself, as now, today, I am a fertile mother with 6 kids and no sense of motherly-hood responsibility. But then again, you did feed me once. NASI with CURRY, remember? Hahahaha thanks for giving me two gorgeous sisters Jas and Sherine. All 3 of us have nothing much in common :p
My first friend in school! HUI XING!! You were first to Pat, Wen Lee some several people, and myself. Remember how we used to play with the roots of the tree next to Winchell Home? Or hang form railing to railing at that same place? Thank you for being a pal, right up to now.
MICHELE!! I've known you just this year and my biggest regret would be to not know you better before I leave school. You always seem to be that bundle of energy at the other corner of class, laughing, talking, laughing, talking, talking, talking, laughing... er...
Another person who has been my classmate since I was in Std 1. Presenting: My partner WEN LEE! Hmmm... after we leave school, there will be nobody to bang my head anymore. Or rather, threaten to dislocate my head forever. I'll miss our times writing and talking in OUR LANGUAGE something that even Khai Ying cannot read especially in Form 2 and 3! I'll miss even cutting Khai Ying's hair from behind with you! And how we laughed and laughed and laughed away with Adelene! Our day out in cinemas should also be remembered becaused you were very noisy too. But somehow, you escape unscathed while Khai Ying and I have to run out of the cinemas early to avoid being thrown by popcorn or rude insults. :p I'll definitely miss you..
JU YI my hiao friend, I'll miss talking to you in my sexy voice.
ANN TING, our happy tuition times together were spent talking crap together, remember? An in Form 2 and 3 I would always gossip to you about people's relationships. I'll miss being amazed by news that I never knew of!
MALLIGA, I always see you around school in secondary but God knows why I was afraid of you.
My not-so-short friend, JASRYN!! You owe me a khoosh ball considering how my very first one ended up this way: (blogger not working well currently, hmph.)
I'm not one that forgets easily, hahaha! But I'm sure to cherish all our fun days from Std 1 up to know, eh? Darn, I'll miss even your sarcasm. I'll try to remember the time we almost drowned ourselves in Pat's pool cos for now it doesn't quite register...
Be sure to remember me, the sexiest man alive.
My Korean crazed friend: NICOLE! Thanks for being such a great help for transport with Mr Ring. Hah the next time DBSK comes out to Malaysia, we shall go see their concert together.
Dumbo, my HUI KIM! You naughty boy, mummy will miss pulling your ears.
To my greatest pal since Std 1, who has stood with me through thick and thin, unwavering, my pillar of strength: PATRICE! We've had too many memories together, eh? But I won't forget how people weren't able to tell us apart, how you polluted my brain, how we so often share and keep each other's secrets, how we had the Pokemon Club together (I was secretary, Jas was Vice President or something), how we stopped each other's tears, how we laughed together in school, how we broke the school rules, how we talked about the past, present and future, how we drool over men that will never enter our lives, how we crazed over anime... I'm sure to miss you! I guess I'll have to learn to start walking on my own now without you... (note: most of the pictures I have has you in the picture)... Without you, I might not have made it past secondary school. I remember how I used to cry in Std 6 when your mum said you were gonna transfer school. And how your mum frightened me again by saying you'll leave our school after Form 3. But I'm glad that you've stayed and made my school life so much more memorable, so much more fun. I hope that we'll still keep in touch with one another through and through til then end!
Btw, you too owe me a Khoosh ball cos it was your fault too that you were too tall. :p
SABRINA, I'll not forget you... how you made me panic each time before an exam starts by asking me questions that I can't answer!
My sis, SHERINE will grow up to be a fantastic ah long if she wants to be one.... hahaha! Thank you for many happy moments and smiles when we were in primary and secondary school!
My first friend in my entire life was SNEHA. We were born in the same hospital, and we were roommates 17 years ago! She was born on 1st Nov and myself on 3rd November! Thanks for being my longest lasting friend... and if Irene is right that 'fate and coincidence is separated by a thin line'... I'm pretty sure that the both of us will definitely be reunited sometime, somehow, somewhere, someplace. Thanks for bullying Jemimah, Sneha. She deserves it for bullying me. :p
My son YEE MEI came out together with Jze Yuin and Sheng Zheng! Thank you for taking care of mummy, by buying me Maggi Mee to feed me in school. I just realised that it should have been the other way around but then as a son, it is your responsibility too to take care of your mother. XD
KHAI YING ama! THE OLDEST person in Form 5! Thank you darling, for being my knight on a white horse bringing me to everywhere I desire. Bwahahaha a gay like me will remember you... and your crazy antics in the cinemas, you and your porno brain, your lap cheong business, your dark future as an ah long, and our future 'operation' in Thailand. I'll remember how we bullied each other til you give up in the end (yippee!) I bet you won't forget me since I'm keeping all our shared anime with me. Bwahahaha
I've known THARSHINAA since we were in Std 5 and I remember having horny memories with her then. XD All those talk about Zell and... SEIFER! Hmph...! Sorry for the incident in Form 3 when I p****ed you. God knows what I was thinking about. I'm glad to have redeemed myself today, by being someone (hopefully) one that you can rely on during times of trouble.
TRACY will be remembered as the one chatting partner (coffee shop) for Michele!
VANESSA, our head prefect... you still scare me sometimes. I don't know why. Maybe its because I'm hopelessly timid. Bwahahahaha now everyone knows that is a lie! I'll remember how we sat talking about life after school while waiting for transport at Anson Road. If only you had protected me then from your sister's fiery, strong hands. She always tried to kill me.
Ah, VINNY no worries! I like Kira too! But wait til I finish GUNDAM SEED, alright? I'll miss your book in which Khai Ying and I doodled in.
CHING WEN I've known you since primary too, eh? You were very close to me and Pat then and if only we would stay that way til the very end beacuse you were such a great pal! I'll remember the times we spent playing around in Pat's house... :)
And TA-DA! I've managed to finish this post, FINALLY! It took me 2 hours to type this in. And darn, I can't put in pics cos Blogger ain't working. Maybe I'll edit it some other time. I'll miss you all, classmates! Remember to keep in touch! To be continued though... next time...
See? I promised it'll be a no-nonsense post.
On 2nd thought...
*sudden transformation*
Oh, Soviet-kun praised my sexiness for the first time in our lives today! Oh Soviet-kun! I'm honoured! *wails and sobs* I know I'm the sexiest man alive! *flicks my dazzling, long, whit hair* Ah, my beauty!
*sudden transformation*
A normal post is something that I can never write. Darn.
Yippee! I'm 17!
My mum has decide to name her fart Tezuka.
Yes, fart.
I can't believe I woke up early to draw THIS.
I wouldn't mind if it looked NICE but then... I seriously think my art is horrid. :p And Kon turned out to be the most successful! I wonder if any anime fan out there can somehow spot... Gin Ichimaru, Urahara, Byakuya, Wolfram, Yuuri, Hanataro and Toshiro Hitsugayaa...? My art's horrid. :p Hahahaha
This piece I drew is still the best, I think:I drew this! My darling Fuji :)
And that reminds me, I forgot to blog about this mad incident I had with Andrea yesterday. As in, the Form 3 Andrea. I was in the basketball court during recess yesterday and I attempted to NOT make a fool out of myself by trying to put the ball in the net. To my horror, my two attempts proved to be useless. In fact, the ball hardly went NEAR the hoop. And there...
...came Andrea.
She was telling me, "NOT LIKE THAT, REBECCA-ONEESAN! You have to bend your legs! Push yourself forward! Jump a little!" Of course, it was useless for me. And so, she took the ball from me, and she attempted to put in the basket. "Like this, Rebecca!" she said bursing with confidence. She bent, jumped, pushed, threw - and the ball REBOUNDED. Like me, she got nowhere near the basket.
I was really mean cos I burst into a whole fit of giggles and I'm sorry to say that I laughed a little too loudly! Even Pat laughed but she sorta disapproved that I laughed too hard. Oops!
*sudden transformation*
I am sorry that you have to witness such a harsh, part of me. I do not know what had gotten into me because usually GAYS like myself are extremely sensitive, feminine, and gentle. Imoto-san, don't worry, aniki is always gentle to you! (minus the day I almost made you fall) But if you fall, beautiful aniki will protect you!
With grace!
*sudden transformation*
And if I have the 6th Sense I predict that this will be my last post until... after SPM, that is. Readers, don't miss me!
*sudden transformation*
It's tough being the SEXIEXT GAY MAN ALIVE. *sexy, goda-ing smile*
*sudden transformation*
Wish me luck, I'll be needing plenty of it... and on second thought, Do miss me.
I bid you, my faithful readers a paradoxical sorrow in happiness farewell. Ja~